Welcome to the Book Wandering Corner! This is a safe haven for any boisterous bookwander who delights in all things literary. From poetry, to book reviews, to fairy tales, to short stories, The Bookwandering Corner has it. Around here I love to sip a cup of tea and dive into a good book. But before we go any further why don't I introduce myself?
My name is Audrey and I'm the Throne Warden of my family. I've loved reading books since I was a wee little girl. My parents would put books in my crib and I'd entertain myself for hours, experiencing the land of stories. My reading tastes have certainly changed over the years, and now more than ever I have a deepened respect for well written books. Books with a soul you could say. Valiant efforts are made to read a vast amount of genres so as to have a well rounded reading palette. Aside from reading I love hanging out with my friends, listening to music, spending time with the Lord, practicing the art of knife throwing, baking, and hanging out with my family.
Fiction I Typically Read
- Classics -Dystopian
- Detective Fiction - Adventure
- Fantasy - British Literature
- Regency - Christian Fiction
- Erynn Mangum
- Robin Jones Gunn
- Agatha Christie
- Andrew Peterson
Lovely Books:
- The Wingfeather Saga
- The Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn
- The Giver by Lois Lowery
- Roadside Assistance by Amy Clipston
- Curious Realities duology by Sara Ella
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
- The Princess Bride by William Goldman