Original Book Reviews

Book Review #1
 Hi Book Wanderers! Late last month I  finished two books: Mr. Lemoncellos Library Olympics and Book Scavenger. They are both similar books and are both part of a series. In Book Scavenger, the kids go scavenging for different books, and are sure they found a piece to Mr. Griswolds new game!  Also its somewhat of a mystery. I am trying not to give anything away. ;) In the book Mr. Lemoncellos Library Olympics, its more of a book with twists and turns, puzzles and competition. Both books are page turners.They are splendid, but in my opinion Mr. Lemoncellos Library is my favorite. You should read both those books and let me know which one you like best!
If you read Mr. Lemoncelloes Library Olympics make sure you read Mr. Lemoncelloes Library first! They connect to each other.

Book Review #2
Hi again! I just finished a book titled Addie Belles Shortcut To Growing Up by Jessica Brody. In my opinion it was a awesome book!

 Addie Bell is not aloud to have a cell phone, wear makeup, among other things, until she is in high school. She has a older sister who is 16 and has late night curfews, has a phone, drives a car and does other "cool" things. Addie thinks that being a 16 year old will be terrific. So she makes a wish to be 16 years old and it comes true! But things don't go as she had imagined.

Book Review #3


Two days ago I finished a book titled: Elements Of Genius,  Nikki Tesla and the Traitors of the Lost Spark. By Jess Keating. It's part of a series.  I think it's a great book. If you like mystery and that kind of stuff I think you will enjoy it. 

Nikki Tesla is relaxing in the Monteverde cloud forest, for her mother and father's second wedding! But then she finds out she has to go on a mission to save the world from serious trouble. Nikki and her friends are accused for crimes they didn't do and are on the run. They must attempt to save the world from this deathly virus before it's too late!

Book Review #4 

Hello again! Today I finished the book titled: Scarlet and Ivy the Lost twin by Sophie Cleverly. That was a real page turner! I believe it is the first book in the series.

Ivy's twin sister goes missing while at Rookwood boarding school.  A few months after her disappearance, Ivy gets a letter in the mail informing her she must go there. Once she is there she realizes that the reason she is at the school is to act as her twin sister, Scarlet, so no one becomes suspicious of her absence. Scarlet leaves clues all over the school for Ivy to find and realize what happened to her. But to make things harder, the employees are watching her, especially one on particular. 

I recommend this book to anyone who loves a good mystery and page turners! I stayed in bed practically all morning reading this because I couldn't stop!😁 

Book Review #5

Hello bookworms! I am finally doing my book review about the Phantom Tollbooth. Sorry its late, I have been busy.

Milo is a boy probably between the ages of 10 and 12 years old. He goes to school, comes home, repeat. Whenever he is at school he wishes to be home, and whenever he is at home he wishes to be someplace else. Milo thinks life is a bore. One day he comes home to find a package in his room. Its a tollbooth. ( Sort of obvious by the title.) Milo drives through it and enters a different dimension entirely! He meets Tock, the Wich, the Whether man, among many other characters. In the end he realizes that life is not as boring as it seemed.
 In my opinion, this is a adventure book. There are so many places to explore! But alas, I would defiantly rather read other books. It is fascinating though, how the author used different words and created this wondrous world, I must say. I also think you should read it if you have not.

Book Review #6
Hello Bookwanderers! I recently finished the book The Genius Files, Mission Unstoppable by Dan Gutman. This book is number one in the series. So, if you read this one I recommend you finish the series because they all end abruptly, and all connect two each other. 

A pair of twins named Pepsi and Coke are coming home from a ordinary last day of school before summer break. While they are walking Cokes sister, Pepsi has this weird feeling that somebody is following them. Coke thinks she is just being paranoid, but turns out that Pepsi is right. Some guys in bowler hats are following them to attempt to murder the twins! Luckily Maya, who is some lady they have never met, tells the twins they need to jump of the cliff with some winged suits! Finally the twins listen to this crazy lady and jump! The next day they are going on a cross country trip to their aunts wedding and assume they will be safe. Too bad for them because they get locked up in a burning building, get pushed into a giant sand dune to suffocate, and got thrown into a colossal vat of SPAM!
This action packed adventure across the US of A will keep you turning the pages and wanting more! I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Such a page turner! I recommend you read it. Don't worry, it might sound violent or scary, but really its not. 

Book Review #7
Hey Bookworms! Last month I finished a book titled The Kate In Between by Claire Swinarski. I would say it is a interesting book. More than decent, but not spectacular. Somewhere in between. ( Pun not intended.😂) 

 Kate, a girl whom is the age of 12 I believe, lives with her mom because her parents are divorced.  Kate's mom works for a business called True U Cosmetics. A huge job opportunity opens in Utah for Kate's mom so Kate is sent to live with her dad who is a cop. Kate joins the "wrong crowd" in school and becomes friends with Taylor Tobit, a girl who targets other people and bullies them. The thing is Haddie, Kate's former BFF, becomes Taylor's target.  One day Taylor's group and Kate are in the park and here comes Haddie walking towards them. She doesn't seem to understand that she and Kate are no longer friends. Haddie is wearing a hat, and just to fast forward, someone throws it on the ice, Haddie trys to get it, falls through the ice into the lake, and Kate saves her from drowning in the icy frigid water. Someone had filmed the whole thing and sent it to the news station where it gets published. Kate is now considered a hero but she isn't sure she deserves it. Read the book to find out more about what happens to Haddies and Kate's friendship and everything else.

Book Review #8

Recently I read a classic Roald Dahl book titled James and the Giant Peach. It was a quick and easy read however I read it by reason of the hope to read all of Roald Dahl's children's books this year. 

James is a little boy who lives with both of his aunts because his parents were eaten by a rhinoceros who

escaped from the zoo. After 3 rotten years of living with his atrocious aunts a strange man gives James some magical crystals claiming that they will change his life for the better. On the way back to the house he trips and the crystals fall everywhere under the never bearing peach tree. Those crystals must have done something to the tree because soon enough it starts to grow a peach.  At first it appears to be an ordinary peach but it soon grows to be the size of his house if not bigger! James aunts start selling tickets to people to observe the colossal peach in an attempt to turn rich. But one night, when James was kicked out of the house, he discovers that there are kid sized creatures living inside of the peach and he befriends them all. The group of new friends go on a adventure of a lifetime all by traveling inside of a giant peach.  Join them on this fascinating adventure and listen to the wacky tunes and songs along the way.

Book Review #9

I have just finished a fun family based book titled The Vanderbeekers Lost and Found by Karina Yan Glaser, which is book four in The Vanderbeekers series. I enjoyed this book with appreciation of the family based content. I love how in each and every book in this series all the members in this family care, help and protect each other, doing the same for their friends and neighbors. 

    Somebody has been living in the community garden in Harlem, which the Vanderbeekers help maintain. The Vanderbeeker kids call this person the PM, which stands for Person of Mystery. Once they find out who PM is their lives get turned upside down. Not only are they trying to help PM but the kids are also assisting Mr. Beiderman in getting him in tip top shape for the NYC marathon, and there is the elderly neighbor whom the Vanderbeekers are close friends with who is battling sickness. In this fun, family felt book, join Isa, Jessie, Oliver, Hyacinth, and Laney in another Vanderbeeker adventure.

 Book Review #10 The Call of the Wild by Jack London

Life is good for Buck in Santa Clara Valley, where he spends his days eating and sleeping in the golden sunshine. But one day a treacherous act of betrayal leads to his kidnap, and he is forced into a life of toil and danger. Dragged away to be a sled dog in the harsh and freezing cold Yukon, Buck must fight for his survival. Can he rise above his enemies and become the master of his realm once again?

This book was on my TBR (To Be Read) and I had to read it for school. I do not particularly enjoy books centered around animals so this book was not my favorite. Jack London did an excellent job on the vocabulary though. There were several words I had to look up the definition to because I had never heard them before. I love how descriptive he was. I wish books now'a days were written that well with such strong, descriptive words. 

Warning: If you are sensitive to books containing death of animals I would beware of that in this book. I would also beware of a few bits of foul language. Nothing too severe, only a few mentions of the beaver dam word, if you know what I'm saying.


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