
 Hello, fellow bookwanderers! I would just like to update you on the coming book holidays. You can access the link here to see further on in the year, or you can read below. Mark your calendars!! ( Please click on this post if you have not. Its easier to read.)

- April 16  National Librarian Day
- April 23  Shakespeare Day
- April 23 Talk Like Shakespeare Day
- April 23 World Book Day ( Fun, fun, fun!)
- April 28 Great Poetry Reading Day ( For those of you who love poetry. Not my cup of tea.)

- May 1 Get Caught Reading Month ( Oooo!)
- May 1 Latino Books Month
- May 1 National Mother Goose Day ( Come on fairy tale readers!)
- May 2 International Harry Potter Day
- May 2 Children's Book Week 
- May 16 National Biographers Day
- May 25 Towel Day ( You will have to read about why its called that. It is quite strange.)

- June 1 Audiobook Appreciation Month
- June 16 Bloomsday ( You can read about it if you don't know what it is.)
- June 16 National Bloomsday ( You can also read about this.)
- June 23 National Typewriter Day


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