Kisses from Katie A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption

 Kisses from Katie A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption

What would cause an eighteen-year-old old senior class president and homecoming queen from Nashville, Tennessee, to disobey and disappoint her parents by forgoing college, break her little brother’s heart, lose all but a handful of her friends (because the rest of them think she has gone off the deep end), and break up with the love of her life, all so she could move to Uganda, where she knew only one person but didn’t know any of the language? A passion to make a difference. Katie Davis left over Christmas break her senior year for a short mission trip to Uganda and her life was turned completely inside out. She found herself so moved, so broken by the people and the children of Uganda that she knew her calling was to return and care for them. Her story is like Mother Teresa’s in that she has given up everything—at such a young age—to care for the less fortunate of this world. Katie, a charismatic and articulate young woman, has gone on to adopt 14 children during her time in Uganda, and she completely trusts God for daily provision for her and her family, which includes children with special needs.

To further her reach into the needs of Ugandans, Katie established Amazima Ministries. The ministry matches orphaned children with sponors worldwide. Each sponsor's $300/year provides schooling, school supplies, three hot meals a day, minor medical care, and spiritual encouragement. Katie expected to have forty children in the program; she had signed up 150 by January 2008; today it sponsors over 400. Another aspect of the ministry is a feeding program created for the displaced Karamojong people—Uganda's poorest citizens. The program feeds lunch to over 1200 children Monday-Friday and sends them home with a plate for food; it also offers basic medical care, Bible study, and general health training.

Katie Davis, now 21, is more than fascinating, she's inspiring, as she has wholeheartedly answered the call to serve.

This book was absolutely amazing! I can't fully put into words how awesome God is and how awesome I believe it is that Katie Davis trusted in God and obeyed Him completely, all the way to living in Uganda, to adopting 14 girls, to caring for hundreds of children through her organization. She had her doubts, she had her struggles, she had her temptations, she had everything that made her human but in the end she continued to worship The Father. Her children helped her. They were so welcoming to everyone who came to live with them. Whether it was for a few days or years. Katie Davis is absolutely one of my role models. 
This book touched my heart to say the least. The heart wrenching thought of children out there in the world endearing all sorts of trials causes my heart to ache and makes me want to do something in this world to help. God has done marvelous things through Katie's life. This book will be one I will purchase for sure!

"Every day we have a choice. We can stay nestled in our safe, comfortable places. We can let fear of something that really is small compared to the greatness of God cripple us. Or we can take a risk, do something to help someone else, make a person smile, change someones world. Life to the fullest exists. It's available. All we have to do is get up and embrace it." - Kisses from Katie


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